성·재생산 건강과 권리[poster] We all have sexual rights. Sexual rights must be guaranteed to all of us.


We all have sexual rights. 

Sexual rights must be guaranteed to all of us.

Sexual rights are the rights to our bodies, gender, gender expression, who we love and relate to, and sexual pleasure.

We have a right not to be discriminated against because of our bodies, appearances, ages, nationalities, races, disabilities or diseases, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and/or who we love. These rights must be guaranteed everywhere, including where we work and study, in hospitals, social welfare institutions, and public places.

It must be possible for us to obtain the necessary information and to be educated without prejudice or stigma. Information and education that we need must be provided in ways that are readily comprehensible to us. Information and education must not be one-sidedly blocked from us for the reason that we cannot understand them or that we must and need not know them.

Explanations must not be made to people other than yourself, and must not let others decide.  In addition, for equal and safe sexual relations and pleasure, we must be guaranteed both time and space guaranteeing privacy and necessary resources.

Sexual rights are indispensable for all of us to live healthily, safely, and with others! National governments must continue to create laws and policies and to provide necessary facilities and resources so that all people may enjoy such rights. Let’s all remember and demand together!

These things must be guaranteed for sexual rights.

 Discrimination, stigma X / Without discrimination or stigma

 Freedom / Freely, without coercion from anyone

Safety / Safely from violence or danger

 Equality / Equally, being respected

Pleasure / Satisfyingly and pleasurably

 Body / In a way letting me understand and affirm my body

Confidentiality / In a way safeguarding what I don’t want others to know

Decision / With my thoughts and decisions respected

Exploration and affirmation / In a way letting me explore and affirm who I am and what I want and like

 Information / In a way I can understand the necessary information

 Education / Comprehensive sex education where I can learn and discuss without prejudice

 Medicine / In a way letting me make use of hospitals, pharmacies, and medical facilities

 Time and space / In a way letting me enjoy comfortable and safe times and spaces

Work and resources / In a way letting me work equally without discrimination and be guaranteed necessary resources

If you have additional questions about sexual rights or want to learn more:

Please e-mail us at share.srhr@gmail.com.

SHARE, center for Sexual rigHts And Reproductive justicE 

Partner organizations and individuals

(Migrants/refugees) Durebang; Korea Migrant Human Rights Center; Women Migrants Human Rights Center of Korea; WeFriends Migrant Health Association in Korea; NANCEN Refugee Rights Center

(People with disabilities) Women with Disabilities Empathy; Nodl Center for Independent Living; People First Center; Social Cooperative for Youth with Developmental Disability Hub Sabujak; Deaf Queer Korea; Sign Dandelion; sign language interpreter Bak Mi-ae

(Adolescents) Teenager Feminist Network WeTee; Education Community NADA; Solidarity for Child Rights Movement Jieum; Youth Housing Rights Network ON

This poster has been produced with support from the Brian Impact’s and the Daum Foundation’s non-profit startup discovery and growth support project.

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