피임[Video] To learn how to get birth control pills, just watch this!


To learn how to get birth control pills, just watch this!

You can easily get them at pharmacies without going to hospitals.

Watch this video and go to pharmacies without worries!

Director ‖ Park, Ye-ji 

Sign language interpretation filming and editing ‖ Park, Hyun 

English Translation ‖ Kim, Yoo-suk 

Sign Language Interpretation ‖ Ji, Hye-won (Sign Dandelion) 

Production ‖ SHARE, center for Sexual rigHts And Reproductive jusitcE

📌 Partner organizations and individuals

(Migrants/refugees) Durebang; Korea Migrant Human Rights Center; Women Migrants Human Rights Center of Korea; WeFriends Migrant Health Association in Korea; NANCEN Refugee Rights Center

(People with disabilities) Women with Disabilities Empathy; Nodl Center for Independent Living; People First Center; Social Cooperative for Youth with Developmental Disability Hub Sabujak; Deaf Queer Korea; Sign Dandelion; sign language interpreter Bak Mi-ae

(Adolescents) Teenager Feminist Network WeTee; Education Community NADA; Solidarity for Child Rights Movement Jieum; Youth Housing Rights Network ON

📌 This video has been produced with support from the Brian Impact’s and the Daum Foundation’s non-profit startup discovery and growth support project.

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